Parvin Shere Featured in Dawn (International Newspaper)
Karamatullah K. Ghori
July, 2019
"A creative genius is a rare thing. Multi-talented and multi-dimensional artists are even harder to come by. There are plenty excelling in one creative genre or the other. For example, one may be great poet, but come a cropper in writing prose. A brilliant painter may be a wizard on canvas but cut a sorry figure in composing poetry, and so on and so forth. But how would you describe, or classify, one equally at home in poetry, prose and visual art? You’d be compelled to call such a creative person a celebrity of sorts. Someone versatile.”
Parvin shere honored At
Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia, June 2014
Parvin Shere Honored at
iversity of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, July 2006
Parvin Shere Honored by
deputy Mayor in London, England
London, U.K., 2009
Others Awards & Recognition
Parvin Shere nominated for the “Woman of Distinction Award” in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 2004
Parvin Shere’s book launch at McNally Robinson Booksellers in Winnipeg, Canada
Parvin Shere’s talent in art and music is featured on ATV in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Parvin Shere’s book launch sponsored by Winnipeg Art Gallery, featuring live classical Indian dance, sitar, and her poetry